To all those in need of spiritual or paranormal help, My girlfriend and I had the distinct pleasure of meeting Anthony from Spirit entity removal at our house on Thursday, 24 June 2015. Our first impression of Anthony was very positive and right away we sensed that he is a consummate professional in observational study of his environment and possess a calm demeanor and direct interaction with his clients. Anthony made us comfortable, relaxed, and unafraid in dealing with the paranormal events occurring daily in our house. The results of the investigation showed that he had removed 26 WWII area (earth bound spirits or ghosts if you prefer) residing or simply and unfortunately trapped in our humble abode along with several other spirits in and around our neighborhood. I will not go into all the details that afternoon nor will I go into what we experienced and endured for the last 4 years residing there. I want this testimonial to stand out for the absolute and necessary truth and non-biased help Anthony can provide you and NOT for entertainment value that has led to some attention seeker and immoral people seeking to defame or commit character assassination to Anthony's unique ability and web site. We were despondent, mired in fear and completely and utterly unsettled prior to his arrival and now we enjoy the quiet and peaceful respite in harmony. To Anthony I would say you are blessed and supported by a higher power and Yuki and I will cherish your friendship forever. Good on you mate! Rich Sincerely Rich Parker
Hello old friend.
Just to let you know, In my time I have worked with and experienced scores and scores of healers and teachers, and I find you among the BEST of them. Someday I may find out what kind of grand being you truly are!
All the best,
though things are calming down considerably.
I am doing the protection daily as you instructed.
My mind has some excess chatter at times, but I maybe it’s adapting
after all I have been through; still working to detox from the meds.
The physical symptoms are not anything of what they were right after the clearing.
I start a new job Tuesday and I found there are quite a few Spiritual people I will be working with. Wonderful!
I know that I am surrounded by the Light and I try to express
gratitude daily.
I have my freedom back and for that I have you to thank.
God bless you!
Hi Anthony.
I know its only been a couple of days since the clearing and healing, but I wanted to tell you that I feel amazing. I haven’t felt this good in years. I feel like my old self again. Nick is feeling much better also. So thank you, thank you:)
Hi Anthony,
My name is Jenna and i have been referred to you by my mother Tammy Willis she says that you have helped her beyond belief and when i saw her for the first time in months the change was incredible i couldnt believe how powerful and strong she was and without fear she was a brand new person in the essence that she was no longer living in fear of the past.
I am writing to you because I have seen the change for myself and i would very much like to enlist in your services if that is ok? when my mum saw me she said i would greatly benifit from you and i believe her and i am willing to do what it takes to get my life together and become a better person. any questions you need or have about me feel free to ask. i really hope you can help me
and thank you for what you’ve done for my mum
Kind regards,
Jenna Willis.
” After all I have been through, you are the first person who has actually helped me and told me how to help myself without trying to screw me over.”
Natalie (UK)
“I can certainly say that he would be dead by now without your assistance.”
Hi Anthony,
You helped my family and I out a while back with spirit entity removal. My brother was in a really bad way, and you helped significantly with your clearing for him, as well as made a huge difference with the clearing you did for my sister. My sister has made huge strides in her life over the last few months. My brother is coming along more slowly, but I can certainly say that he would be dead by now without your assistance. The BIG change started to show itself about a month after the clearing was complete and he has been able to return to school and is getting things back together. The special advice has been very helpful for him as well.
Thanks so much Anthony.
“I’m very happy that I found or was lead to a person with the professionalism, principles and integrity such as you.”
Hi Anthony,
Thank you for your quick reply.
Thank you for clearing the people on the list of any curse activity,its a load off my mind.
I’m grateful for the other information and your positive encouragement. I will keep this information in mind. I will also continue to work on improving myself as best I can.
I’m very happy that I found or was lead to a person with the professionalism, principles and integrity such as you.
I would recommend you to anyone who is in need, with full peace of mind.
A whole hearted thank you.
Best wishes,
Sam Jackson
(Western Australia)
thank yu for this letter & HEALING ; it was a fantastic WEEK the best in a long time THANK YU it is incredable & i have all ready EXPERIENCED the change ; I FEEL SOOOOOO MUCH BETTER & my business as i said was FANTASTIC ; thank yu for GIVING ME BACK MY LIFE ; its been a long time WITH THESE PAST BEINGS IN ME
I FEEL SOOOOOO calm & organized & ready to move on ; my love & sex life has had a TERRIBLE time that has changed also SMILE & THANK YU ; thank yu so much LOOK FORWARD to the new ME
THANK YU yu the BEST i ever worked with THANKS AGAIN
Mark B.
Anthony provides clear, concise and thorough help. He seemed extremely trustworthy. His work seemed detail oriented and his manner was kind.
Gabrielle Becker
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“I am very glad I fell across you on the Internet.”
Thanks again Anthony, I am ok, I hope all is well with you to. I do wonder in amazement at your ability and when you are dealing with situations, I do wonder what communication to get from entities and what you see sometimes. Any case Its quite special that you use that skill to help people. I am very glad I fell across you on the Internet.
Thanks very much for your help Anthony. From one rather screwed up guy, this has meant a lot to me.
Go to the CONTACT page and ACT NOW to regain control of your life.
” thank you Anthony from the bottom of my heart.”
I know that the person that initiated this attack on me most likely paid several thousand dollars to do so. I cannot believe that you were able to save, my family, my business and myself for a mere fraction of the cost – thank you Anthony from the bottom of my heart.
Jerry B. Ventura
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“To anyone who is going through a ‘Spiritual / Entity Problem’ or knows of someone who is, I have no hesitation and I highly recommend that they contact Anthony as soon as possible as it will change lives for the better, and it will allow you to be in control of your own life once again.”
To Whom It May Concern.
My name is Kellie Williams and I am a single mother with 4 children. In 2001 I began having major life changing ‘Spiritual / Entity Problems’. Until this point in my life I was a happy loving mother to a one year old, 2 x 3 year olds and a 4 year old, a good trustworthy friend who enjoyed life, and I was a person who knew what I wanted in life and I took pride in my appearance. All of this changed for me very quickly one night. I had no control over my body, I had trouble with sleeping, I could feel things on my bed, I started feeling things, smelling awful odours, seeing and hearing things that I could not explain. I also began to have a problem with alcohol. I tried moving house several times to which I found no change. I was very scared and the people around me thought I was having a nervous breakdown and I was sent to a Mental Health Clinic. I began searching for help myself by contacting ‘House Cleansers’, ‘Psychics’, ‘Mediums’, ‘Spiritualist Churches’ etc… I tried absolutely everything I could think of. No one at that stage of my life could tell me what was happening to me. I found that the people that I came across geniunely wanted to help me, and I was told by many people that they could help me, but no one could solve my problem or see and hear what I was. It took me until the end of 2006 to find the help I was looking for through an advertisement by Anthony.
When I contacted Anthony, I found him to be very ‘Professional’, ‘Honest’, and I felt that I was able to ‘Trust’ him by talking to him about all of my experiences. Prior to finding Anthony I found some of my experiences difficult to explain to people, as some experiences were embarrassing and some made people question my sanity. I didn’t feel this with Anthony and I found that he listened and answered all questions I asked without hesitation. I also found that he is exceptionally ‘Knowledgeable’ and that there was no issue that he could not solve.
This is the day my life and my children’s life changed for the better. I am no longer fearful, I am confident, I am happy, I am positive, and I am once again myself and in control of my own life.
To anyone who is going through a ‘Spiritual / Entity Problem’ or knows of someone who is, I have no hesitation and I highly recommend that they contact Anthony as soon as possible as it will change lives for the better, and it will allow you to be in control of your own life once again.
Kind Regards,
Kellie Williams
(Brisbane, Australia)
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“I was very glad to have Anthony’s help and he helped me a lot.”
My name is Chloe and I am 10. I was having problems with spirits since the age of around 3 or 4. I would see spirits in my head that had not nice faces and would scare me. I saw a lot walking around our house and they were giving me nightmares all the time at night time. They would talk to me and they were being very annoying as they would say mean and terrible things and when I told them to stop they wouldn’t. My mum is supportive, but was unable to help me with what they were doing.
We called Anthony a few years ago and he got rid of them all. He spoke to me and told me not to be afraid. He helped me to understand what was happening so I was not scared. I was very glad to have Anthony’s help and he helped me a lot.
Chloe Suna
(Strathpine, Australia)
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“It has been over 2 years since Anthony removed those entities from me. I have not had the voices or images and I have not felt the urge to harm myself or others since.”
I have been plagued with constant evil images and voices inside my head from as early as I can remember. As I grew up, the voices became more and more intense and I was incessantly prompted to injure or kill myself or others.
My step-father and I used to cut firewood together with a chainsaw before each winter set in and my mind would always be flooded with voices and images trying to coerce me into pushing my body parts into the path of the moving chainsaw blade. Being willed to jump in front of moving cars, buses and trains was a daily event for me. During my mid-teens thoughts of suicide were my constant companion.
By far the scariest of all were the times I would catch myself looking at young children and wanting to stab and/or maim them – I found that the voices had a powerfully hypnotic effect and I had to physically move myself from the situation as quickly as possible before I lost personal control.
The timing was definitely right when one of my only friends recommended I consult Anthony about this problem. The first thing I remember was the ‘gut’ feeling that I was in the hands of someone who could actually make the voices disappear. I heard back within a day from Anthony and he informed me that he had permanently cleared a number of demons (or ‘Heebie Jeebies’ as he affectionately calls them) from me that had been causing the trouble, and that they could never come back to do so again.
It has been over 2 years since Anthony removed those entities from me. I have not had the voices or images and I have not felt the urge to harm myself or others since. I believe that my real life started back on the day in 2007 when he stepped in to help, and for that I am eternally grateful. I have since referred a number of people to Anthony and all have come back to me with similar success stories.
James Stevens
(Yokohama, Japan)
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“After your intervention, he was so more like himself, as tho he had broken through that I weaned him off the medicine within 3 days!”
Dear Anthony
So good to hear from you! We are enjoying a better quality of life than we’ve had for several years. Charles is becoming empathetic as many years ago. He is having little problems, sudden flare ups only a few times and the most important thing is that I can at least explain my feelings and they are understood.
He is trying very much to come back. It is wonderful to see and has been noted by several friends by now.
We are all grateful for the change in him because he was always so well liked by all.
Please feel free to use my email in your testimonials. Without you’re help I’m sure Charles would have fallen with no recourse.
Another thing. He was in such bad shape by February I requested an antidepressant drug which he began then. Mild headaches occurred. After your intervention, he was so more like himself, as tho he had broken through that I weaned him off the medicine within 3 days! He has not taken any since 8 days ago and I do not see any regression. So for anyone who thinks the medicine made him better, it helped but he is carrying himself perfectlly well without it – symptoms of depression vanished and without meds now! I will email if I really need advice or new help.
We have life, we have possibilities, we are no longer being suffocated! May God bless you all your days.
“You have helped me where others could not..”
Dear Anthony
I really want to thank you for all the work done so far.
Based on the research I have done and my attempts to get help over the years , I am not surprised by your findings and am so happy to have found someone who could stop what was happening to me.
At 8:30 yesterday, I felt a loosening of muscular energy around the solar plexus, and the room seemed just a bit brighter. I woke up at 3:20 and have not slept since, but soon after I awoke, there was a tingling sensation in the area left of the stomach. This continued for about 45 minutes.
I now feel the best I have in years. As you know, because of what`s been happening to me, I have been on a long quest to understand it and get help, but I now feel that after the work you have done, it will not be necessary to continue and I can go back to a normal life.
I do not know how you can do what you do, but I am glad that you can.
We have been in contact for nearly a month now, Thank You again for all the work done. You have helped me where others could not , and given me much to retain and learn. I wish you all the best with your work.
Kind regards
(Rugby, UK)
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” …I have to acknowledge that things dramatically changed for the better after Anthony helped me.”
Since breaking up with my Maori girlfriend about 3 months previously I found myself going into a real emotional tailspin. This was quite out of character for me as I had broken up with other women in the past and moved on quickly and relatively painlessly. Even though I moved to another country I could not get her out of my mind. No matter where I went, whom I was with (including my young daughters), or what I was doing, images of my ex-girlfriend would storm into my mind and I couldn’t seem to shake them.
Despite being an out-going and very confident person I became increasingly more and more withdrawn particularly when dealing with females. If I did have to interact with people it tended to be very uncomfortable for both me and often for the those dealing with me. I felt myself being repelled by others. My daughters picked up on my low confidence and lack of respect for myself and became increasingly more disobedient. Every day became a battle zone to get them to do simple things. I could feel myself losing control of my emotions and I was itching to physically hurt my girls. I hit a new low when my 7 year old shouted at me ‘Daddy this is not you!’- I had truly lost my way and could not see my way out of this.
I emailed one of my oldest and wisest friends, and she believed that my symptoms were those of a Maori curse and she sent me the link to Anthony’s site assuring me that he had ‘fixed’ a similar problem with one of her relatives. This sounded like utter crap but on her recommendation I hesitantly contacted him later that day and was asked for my ex-girlfriend’s name and those of some of her family members. I replied with the information and got an email back from him several hours later telling me that he had removed several nasty entities and 3 powerful curses from me that had been specifically-designed to destroy my confidence, especially around women. Apparently my ex-girlfriend’s charming grandmother had decided that ‘If you aren’t going to be with my granddaughter then you will be with no woman!’ He also informed me that she had been energetically contained and would no longer be able to harm me or my family.
That night was the best sleep I had had in months and the next day I found my confidence returning. It had been like I had woken from a bloody long nightmare. My girls noticed the difference and started behaving well again, my moods ironed out and I even went out to the local pubs by myself a couple of times that week to ‘test’ myself and even made some new friends.
In truth I now want to purge this episode with my ex-girlfriend from of my life, the ‘black magic’ thing is almost too hard to believe but I have to acknowledge that things dramatically changed for the better after Anthony helped me.
Thanks a million mate and if there is anything I can do to help you in anyway don’t hesitate to ask,
Frank Maclean
(Perth, Australia)
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Anthony, I got a cleaning from you in 09/2012. It was worth it, and to be honest, you are the only person who can do what they say they can do.
Thank you Anthony
Ron S.
“He removed all the entities that were around me, my family, and my house.”
To Whom It May Concern.
I am a person who until recently was experiencing ‘Traumatizing Spiritual Experiences’. I could not sleep in my bed as it made me feel sea sick. When it was time to go to sleep I would be Incredibly Tense and cross my legs and arms, as my legs would open and my hands would move to my chest, I had ‘No Control’ over this. Every time I would move my legs and arms back they would move them back to exactly where they wanted them to be again. I also woke up at the same times every single night without fail, early hours of the morning generally. I would feel like something was on top of me and I was pinned to the bed. I would try and fight it, and one day I was told I bought this all on myself and I had several Spirits doing unimaginable things to me to which I could see exactly what they were doing with my eyes, and I could hear every single word. I could see Spirits that looked black, green and red.
I tried to talk to people from Spiritualist Churches, Clairvoyants etc.. and I was told over and over again that ‘Spirits can’t and won’t do that to you’. They had ‘No Idea’ what I was going through, it made me feel like something was terribly wrong with me. No one at all could answer or give me any explanation as to what was happening to me until I came across Anthony’s site and I contacted him.
When I contacted Anthony I felt relieved. I finally found the answers to my many questions. He removed all the entities that were around me, my family, and my house. He could answer everything. He knew what was happening to me. He is a very honest, intelligent, professional and trustworthy man to which I have a great amount of Respect for. He has given back my life to me.
I know through my experience that there is absolutely nothing that Anthony cannot do to help anyone who is experiencing problems that are Spiritual and to do with Entities.
(Christchurch, New Zealand)
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“He took all the spirits away and I no longer have any Terrible or Horrifying Spiritual Experiences anymore. “
I am a 9 year old girl and my name is Piper. In the past I was going through Spiritual Experiences that was very Terrible and Horrifying. I had a lot of trouble sleeping in my bed because it felt like it was rocking, I could feel the spirits touching and pushing me, and I would wake up at the same times every night. I could see them everywhere and they were grey, black and there were red ones and green spirits. I saw a man in the mirror with red eyes and a red glowing face with a green body. They used to make me feel tired and sick and some days I couldn’t go to school. One day the light was glowing green in the lounge room at my house and I saw a green glowing man in the bathroom he made me shake as he was doing something with his hand. Sometimes I would feel sad and angry feelings and I didn’t know why I was feeling that as I wasn’t really angry or sad. The spirits were making me feel that way. It wasn’t me.
One day my parents called a really nice man and his name is Anthony. He made all the Terrible and Horrifying Spiritual things stop and all the mean ones were gone. He listened to me. I remember my friend at school telling me that she could feel things on her bed and that spirits were talking to her at night, she told her mom and her mom told her to stop being silly. I know she wasn’t being silly. Lucky my parents listen and understand what I am saying but they couldn’t stop all the awful things that were happening to me. Anthony knew what I was talking about, and understood what was happening to me. He took all the spirits away and I no longer have any Terrible or Horrifying Spiritual Experiences anymore.
( N.Y. USA )
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“..with the healing and encouragement you`ve given me, I now feel I have the strength and will to go back to study and help myself.”
I am grateful for the work you have done, and I am working on the SELF LOVE / SELF ACCEPTANCE issues you pointed out to me and am feeling better about myself already.
I feel I still need some work on my heart chakra and physical health and will follow the steps you gave me. I was doing a shiatsu course and I had quit the course because my physical health was not allowing me to do it ( or anything else ), as you know getting too tired even after 10 minutes walking …. just want to go to bed from exhaustion and the chronic fatigue.
But with the healing and encouragement you`ve given me, I now feel I have the strength and will to go back to study and help myself. I feel much better about myself.
Thank you again.
Bless you with love and energy to help all beings.
Sam(Chicago, USA)
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“I can’t thank Anthony enough for helping me.”
Hi ,
My name is Kristen and I am 12 and a half. I have been able to see Spirits since I was 2. I started having problems with spirits when I was 5. Not long ago I was at my Grandma’s for the school holidays which is 8 hours away from home. I began having dreams of home and in my dreams I was seeing a scary looking lady with pointy black fingernails and I knew she was a witch and not very nice. When I got back home after the holidays she was at home and causing many problems.
We contacted Anthony and he was able to get rid of her straight away. He helped me to understand my abilities and what was happening to me so that I was no longer afraid. I found it very easy to talk to Anthony and he was very helpful and I appreciated all his help. Anthony is definitely the person to talk to about spirits and to help with any entity problem that someone may be having, as he is the person who can stop all Spiritual Problems. I can’t thank Anthony enough for helping me.
(Dunedin, New Zealand)
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“If you have a problem person in your life and want a rapid, peaceful solution then I recommend you seek Anthony’s assistance. I don’t know how he does what he does but all I know is that it works.”
To whom it may concern,
I would like to share my experience.
Everything was good at my new job. I was picking up new skills, got on very well with all the staff and my superiors were happy to give me more and more responsibility. My direct supervisor was initially very helpful and friendly, and she remained that way for the first 6 months. Then one day a very rapid and nasty change came over her for no apparent reason, and one by one she engineered the firing of many of the staff below her that threatened her position.
I had built up (what I thought) was a very strong relationship with her and didn’t see it coming when she turned on me. The negativity, lies and backstabbing that she unleashed was unlike anything I had ever experienced and I could see that it was only a matter of time until I got fired also. This would have posed a serious problem for me, my wife and I had two small children, we had used most of our savings recently moving and the stress of my job being on the line was putting a real strain on my marriage. I needed to get the supervisor off my back as quickly as possible.
I was referred to Anthony by one of my wife’s friends whose work life had also been made miserable by a nasty and vindictive superior. She spoke very highly of him and as a testimony she still held the same job, and now enjoyed her time there. I found Anthony to be a very professional, reassuring and caring soul. He asked me to send him some details about my superior and promised to get back to me within 48 hours. The next morning before work I got an email from Anthony letting me know that he had removed some things that were a cause of the problems and had energetically contained her against me whatever that meant. To say the change in her that day was dramatic would have been an understatement. She had reverted back to her smiling, helpful self and even asked me why I had been ‘keeping my distance from her lately?’ It wasn’t her just having a ‘good day’ either because she has remained that way ever since.
If you have a problem person in your life and want a rapid, peaceful solution then I recommend you seek Anthony’s assistance. I don’t know how he does what he does but all I know is that it works. I have since referred my best friend who was being stalked by an extremely jealous and violent ex-girlfriend. He reported back to me that the week after Anthony did his thing the harassment whittled down to nothing and now three weeks on he never hears from her.
John Carol (UK)
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“Jason’s tantrums are still gone, his ‘imaginary friend’ is gone, and he’s not sleeping in the cupboard anymore thank God.”
Hi Anthony.
I just wanted to let you know how things are going like I said I would.
Well goodness me it’s only been 3 weeks since you helped us and I just can’t believe the difference around here, especially in the boys.
Jason’s tantrums are still gone, his ‘imaginary friend’ is gone, and he’s not sleeping in the cupboard anymore thank God.
As for Mikey… a few days after I last emailed you I got called into his school by his teacher. I thought “what now!”. I wasn’t prepared for what she showed me at all. His writing has improved incredibly ! Not only can we now read it ( haha ), but he writes LOTS !
And today was the best of all. We went back to the Doctors a second time like I told you and they have taken him off the medication saying the results of the tests show a big reduction in his ‘symptoms’. I always had trouble with this ‘Bi-Polar’ business and really didn’t like having to give a 7 year old drugs at all.
I haven’t had a repeat of the attacks and I’m really now just starting to sleep deeply again. I know you said it might take a while.
I still can’t believe it. Thank you so much!
Lots of Love from
Chris, Jason and Mikey
(London, UK)
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“After he help her next day she can speak and eat and sitting. And a next day she can get up and do the home things like before.”
My name is Takeda and i live in Japan.
My mother had problem long time with the bad spirits and then just one day she was not get up or speak but just say spirit and my family not know what to do this. She was sick like having the brain stroke. My family Doctor came my house but he say don’t know and everyday he checking my mother. My friend already told me about Anthony and i ask him to help my mother. After he help her next day she can speak and eat and sitting. And a next day she can get up and do the home things like before.
I am very happy my friend told me about Anthony and he can helped my mother.
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“I do feel better, and my wife and some friends have commented on changes in me so something has definitely happened.”
My name is Steve and I’ve been a client of Anthony.
I did not have any ‘spirit’ problems when I contacted him and had only looked at his work out of curiosity more than anything else.
But the things he was saying about the human subconscious struck a chord with me because I’d read about these things and felt I definitely had issues there. I’ve tried Hypnotherapy, NLP, and a few New Age things that had little effect at all and talking to Doctors was a complete waste of time ( half the time they just suggested taking a holiday or going on medication…). So I decided to contact him to see if he was any different.
Well he was. He looked at me to see if there was any ‘interference’ as he called it and found nothing, so then suggested a course of action to work directly on my subconscious ‘programs’, some of it he did directly, and much of it he instructed me to do for myself which I really liked because it gave me power in what I was doing and was not just relying on someone else.
I do feel better, and my wife and some friends have commented on changes in me so something has definitely happened.
He explained that some things will change quickly and other things will take longer and I have found that to be true.
Steve. N.
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“I feel so relieved in so many different ways. I don’t know how to thank you enough. All the information you have provided is so amazing.”
Hi Anthony,
Wow, you have done so much, you must be tired. I don’t know what your personal religious beliefs are but all I can say is God bless
you everyday.
You know, I got to you through ‘googling’ “how to know if you have spirits in your home” and up came across a website that consists of spirit hunters and they provide a detailed guide so that you know what to do if there are spirits. Well after navigating through their website, one last page on there had referral websites to go to for more information or options on what to do. They basically led me to you besides me doing a lot of praying about it.
When I got to your web page I felt completely intrigued and felt safe about the information. I spent a lot of time reading all of the information you have on your website and I felt I could trust you like so many others have.
I feel so relieved in so many different ways. I don’t know how to thank you enough. All the information you have provided is so amazing.
I have such a large family and I am sure that my mom’s home and everyone in it would benefit tremendously from contacting you. So be on the lookout for all of my family members who should be contacting you. I told my mom about you and she’s looking forward to talking to you. She’s a firm believer in what you do. She mentioned that one of the priests talked about all of the things you talk about in your website and she trusts the things you can do.
I’m taking your advice on the things you mentioned in the e-mail about my daughter and about being happy and positive. That’s the kind of person I am anyway so should not be hard to follow through.
Thanks a million and a billion. Many hugs from us to you.
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Dear Anthony,
Thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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“Thank you for your help. I feel much better.”
Dear Anthony,
Thank you for your help. I feel much better.
I will be contacting you again soon to work on more family members.
Gail ( USA )
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“I appreciate what you are doing more than you know and feel you should be compensated.”
Dear Anthony,
Thank you for everything.
I appreciate what you are doing more than you know and feel you should be compensated. Although, there is really no true monetary compensation for your work.
Many Blessings,
A. (USA)
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“I cannot thank you enough for this kindness!!!”
dear anthony,
I cannot thank you enough for this kindness!!! I am so very, very grateful that you took your time to help me.
thank you very much,
Bernard (USA)
“I can’t tell you how happy I am with the work you have done for my son.”
Hi Anthony.
I can’t tell you how happy I am with the work you have done for my son.
I already start seen some changes for the best.
I can’t believe it!
Thank you for your great work.
Thank you for your help.
I wish you well and the best.
Leanne (USA)
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“Its amazing the small changes i am seeing at the moment. So yes! Its all great!”
Hi Anthony. I just wanted to come back to you to say thank you for the work you have done! I have been feeling a little tired but generally lighter in myself. Its amazing the small changes i am seeing at the moment. So yes! Its all great! Thank you and all the best.
Brittany (UK)
“Since the day of my clearing my life and health obviously improved.”
Since the day of my clearing my life and health obviously improved. Even the surgery which was much bigger and more complex than last years, went better than last years. AND the way my body responded was also very different and better. I could feel the difference.
Aime (USA)
” I definitely felt the energy lift last night. My back stopped hurting and the weird spasms I was having in my chest seem to be gone.”
Hi Anthony,
Thanks for your email and the work you did. I wondered what was going on yesterday as it was an exceptional day!
The names you offered are meaningful as one is the name of I woman I worked and traveled with in Ireland who is very involved in spiritual/energy work. She had me teach her group a course and then objected to the amount of interest people had in my work – she pulled a major power trip at the end of my time there and I have avoided her (as much as possible) since then. I think the “psychic slap” she gave me was based on her own insecurity and fear of me knowing too much about her. Ironically, I admire her and her work but also feel that she needs to mature and use her power more cleanly.
The other name came as a bit of a surprise. It is the name of a woman with whom I have been friends for over 30 years. She had serious mental breakdown about 25 years ago and has some serious mental and behavioral issues now. I have been her only remaining friend out of what used to be a large social circle. I don’t believe that she would consciously or intentionally wish me harm in any way, but I think if there was ever a candidate for spiritual entity removal she would be it. I wouldn’t be surprised if she has some major negative attachments. Whenever I am with her I feel totally and completely drained of energy on every level. I love her dearly and do not wish to abandon her, but I do find her difficult to be around.
I definitely felt the energy lift last night. My back stopped hurting and the weird spasms I was having in my chest seem to be gone.
Again, I thank you, I think this has made a big difference.
All the best,
Go to the CONTACT page and ACT NOW to regain control of your life.
“I would like to thank you for your help so far…We have already seen positive results, I just felt relieved and feel more confident with things that I’m doing all of a sudden”
Hello Anthony,
I would like to thank you for your help so far…We have already seen positive results, I just felt relieved and feel more confident with things that I’m doing all of a sudden, Our Mum said that for the first time in a long while, where some nights she couldn’t even get to sleep till about 5:00.a.m. She’s sleeping all night without waking till morning, My younger brother John, when I told him, He said that I’ts amazing as a few days ago, He started to feel that a huge weight was lifted off Him, He started doing things that he has been putting off, not doing things half hearted and where He out of work for about a year without Government benefits, using his own savings and getting casual work through an agency for only a few days every few months, He is starting a new job for at least the next seven months with William Angliss college which is the official apprentice school in Melbourne Victoria for all apprentices like,Bakers,Butchers, Hospitality, Chefs etc. and they took him on without even an interview, going only on the Agency’s recommendation. Thank you for everything so far.
(George again..)
“I just feel inside like something has just come good and all of a sudden have lost the urge to keep looking for answers and I just feel comfortable.”
Hello Anthony,
Thank you again for everything and you can use my comments as they are the truth…I just kept looking for answers as I just felt that the things that were happening couldn’t be normal and since you did the clearings we could see positive changes straight away and even without any changes I just feel inside like something has just come good and all of a sudden have lost the urge to keep looking for answers and I just feel comfortable.
Thank you and best wishes.(Also ,thank you for being very professional)
Anthony thank you for your detailed work on me I do appreciate it
I do know since your work, Ive been feeling much lighter than before so thats something i can tell you right away. I felt a change last night within me for sure.
I’m very new to this and thank you for all your help I know the spiritual world must be tough to handle.
Go to the CONTACT page and ACT NOW to regain control of your life.
Hi Anthony,
I worked on my mum yesterday, first time after you worked on her. The energy flow through her is much much better and her root chakra has improved too. You are amazing, thank you.
(Ukraine) .
Anthony is an Internationally renowned and respected authority in the fields of the Paranormal, Remote and in person Healing, Psychic abilities, Human Subconscious, Religion and Cults, and other related areas. He has traveled around the World clearing the energies of people and areas, at times at the request of Religious Organisations when they were not able to resolve issues via their own means. Anthony has also been contracted by Big Business to assist with generating successful outcomes to ventures that were suffering from interference.
Anthony has been featured in many online articles, and in print magazines such as Quantum Knowledge, Rainbow News, and Perth Womans Magazine.
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